Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A month "alla"

The flower of the potato "Wyach'a", the most planted potato of the region. 

 A slight breeze passed through the distinct green screen door into our small office; it almost made it through the window, but not before it blew some monthly financial reports on the floor. The breeze was heading north, towards the mountains. 
After spending a month in Totorani, I reflect back on my time and the moments leading up to my month long journey. I now realize that the breeze that swept through the office was not only pushing those papers towards the mountains, but was also pushing me. 
I had spent the last two months in the office designing pamphlets, drinking exorbitant amounts of coffee, studying soil conservation methods, and many other not so interesting things. I was yearning for another chance to spend some time with my friends of the land. I received my chance when my co-worker decided to take a quick trip up to the mountains for a meeting with Totorani. I had a day to pack, say goodbyes (unfortunately my friends back in the USA didn't get one..sorry), and buy food for a month.  
The objective of my month stay in Totorani was to prepare holes for seedlings (10,000 eucalyptus and pine seedlings) while informing members of the association about planting phylaries as a method to conserve soils, and the possibility of bringing more baby trout for newly built trout ponds. 
The main objective of my stay in Totorani was to work with the members of the agriculture association on implementing soil conservation methods. Implementing soil conservation methods without any major monetary incentives is historically the most difficult part of agriculture development. My coworker told me I could start preparing for the arrival of the seedlings by digging holes for the transplanting process. Out of the 10,000 holes that I could have dug, I accomplished exactly 15 holes. The people were not interested in preparing for something that could possibly not arrive; at least that is my opinion. The soil would also lose moisture from being exposed to the sun. 
In the middle of my stay I let a friend borrow my camera, not such a good idea looking back on it, but during the day he borrowed it, he erased on my photos from the previous two and half weeks. I was frustrated and a little angry; I was more frustrated because he didn't apologize. 

We made two more trout ponds, and I made a rock barrier (on the left) to protect the ponds from erosion. 

I discovered how to construct the second floor of a building without the use of a cement suction machine. Since I lost my photos from this day, I can only show a picture of the finished product.

They completed some of the walls before I could take another photo of the second floor. 

The method we used to transport the cement from the ground to the floor was labor intensive, especially for me. The business that was directing the construction built a shelf about five and half feet tall. The cement was mixed by a machine and then poured on the ground. Andres and I shoveled the cement from the ground to the shelf, then there was two more workers on the shelf shoveling the cement to the second floor into a wheelbarrow. I rotated with Andres for 2.5 hours in shoveling cement to the shelf. About half way through we started re-hydrating with Tequina, Cochabamba's infamous rice fermented lager. Luckily, the beer only re-hydrated rather than inebriating. 

German and I built some terraces for a vegetable garden he hopes to start. The terraces will increase in size as rocks are found during the preparation of the soil. 

I helped a member of the community (Enrique) prepare adobe for a house he is building, and I also helped prepare more adobe for a church. While I was helping Enrique mix the mud and grass with our feet, Enrique spotted something shiny in the mud, he then pulled out a sizable piece of glass from the muddy mixture. We then continued to mix the mud for another 15 minutes or so with our bare feet. Unfortunately, I lost the pictures of my mud covered feet and freshly made adobe. 

Edgar and Jaime arrived a week before my return to Cochabamba to have meetings with the surrounding communities. We visited Link'upata to talk about reforestation and where to plant the seedlings that just arrived. The association was very excited about the possibility of having a forest in the future. They plan on harvesting the eucalyptus when the seedlings mature in about a decade or two. The advantage of reforesting with eucalyptus is being able to harvest the lumber more than once because the eucalyptus grows back after being cut down. 

The school received about one to twos trees per student. 

The Bolivian government is supplying all of the seedlings through the municipality, but Edgar organized and informed the communities about the possibility of receiving seedlings from the government. The government currently has a program to provide every student with a tree, at least that is what the commercials said on the government financed television channels. 

The mountains around Link'upata, Totorani, and other surrounding villages used to be covered in native trees and bushes, but little by little the trees were cut down to make space for planting crops or used as fuel for cooking. There are still small outcrops of the main native tree, Kewina, but most of the land is now used for farming. Hopefully the associations will continue to be motivated in improving the nature that surrounds them, while also reaping the benefits from soil conservation and future lumber sales. 

Jaime, my co-worker, is thinking about his future wife. 

We saw a flock of these migratory birds along the road, I am not for sure what species they. 

While waiting for a meeting to start in Huaripucara, we taught some of the school children how to play hopscotch. The little things in life...

Vicunas are native to the mountains of Bolivia, they are relatives to llamas and alpacas. They are only used for there fine wool. Huaripucara is one of the few producers of vicuna wool. 

After spending a month in Totorani and traveling to the surrounding villages, I was glad to be back in Cochabamba. Although the air is more contaminated in the city, the weather is more mild and nights are not as cold as they are in Totorani. I enjoy spending time the Totorani, but I hope my next stay will be slightly more productive. Such is the life of an agriculture development worker. 

I returned to Cochabamba for a break from living in "el campo", but I also returned for a yearly meeting with the organization I am volunteering for. We spent a few days talking about our experiences, and officially welcome new workers into the group. During our time together we had a Thanksgiving dinner (with turkey), listened to a lecture on "finding God in midst of our differences", eating a buffet every meal (ugh!), and some games in between.  Our last day together we hiked up to the tallest peak in the Cochabamba area. 

Leonel and I enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful yet harsh environment. 

Dona Vilma showed me how the egg selector functions; Vilma and her husband Gonsalo have 450 chickens. Edgar and I took a day trip out to Aiquile to collect funds for the purchase of thresher. The truck was back in the shop, the bus ride there and back wasn't that quick. 

Sorry for the late post, my normal monthly post couldn't be achieved because the nature of my work. I hope to post every 3-4 weeks. Thank you to all of my readers. Adios! 

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